XU100 8.839 8.654 2,13
VIOP 9.794 9.584 2,20
USD/TRY 34,2573 34,2575 0,00
BIST BANKS 12.091 11.807 2,41
DAX 19.422 19.461 -0,20
GOLD 2.745,30 2.748,92 -0,13
BRENT 75,75 75,56 0,25



Purchase date

Purchase price*

Selling date

* If price is not entered, the closing price at the purchase date will be considered.

Date Cash Dividend
(TL mn)
Capital Increase
Through Bonus Issue (%)
Capital Before
Increase (TL mn)
Capital After
Increase (TL mn)
May 2008 9,5 8,0
May 2009 12,9 10,8
May 2010 19,9 16,7
June 2010 67,5 119 200
May 2011 20,0 10,0
July 2011 30,0 200 260
May 2012 15,1 5,8
June 2012 10,0 260 286
May 2013 20,0 7,0
June 2013 8,6 286 311
March 2014 24,5 7,89
June 2014 6,9 311 332
March 2015 47,0 14,16
June 2015 6,9 332 355
March 2016 36,0 10,14
March 2017 45,0 12,67
March 2018 110,0 30,98
March 2019 90,0 25,35
March 2020 140,0 39,44
March 2021 355,0 1.00
May 2022 400 1,13
May 2023 755 2,13
July 2023 322,5 355 1.500
May 2024 1.600 1,07
Capital Increase (TL) Increase Amount (TL)  
Paid-in/Issued Capital Before Capital Increase Paid-in/Issued Capital After Capital Increase Capital Increase Through Rights Issue Capital Increase Through Bonus Issue Date of the Capital Increase Decision Taken By General Assembly/Board of Directors* Advertised Date of Turkey Trade Registry Journal Dates of Pre-emptive Rights
500.000.- 1.250.000.- - 750.000.- 15.05.1998 11.06.1998 -
1.250.000.- 2.500.000.- - 1.250.000.- 23.06.1999 02.07.1999 -
2.500.000.- 7.000.000.- - 4.500.000.- 09.05.2000 17.05.2000 -
7.000.000.- 17.000.000.- - 10.000.000.- 26.04.2001 15.05.2001 -
17.000.000.- 38.000.000.- - 21.000.000.- 10.05.2002 21.05.2002 -
38.000.000.- 45.000.000.- - 7.000.000.- 18.04.2003 30.04.2003 -
45.000.000.- 96.800.000.- - 51.800.000.- 14.04.2005 22.04.2005 -
96.800.000.- 119.387.000.- 22.587.000.- - 15.03.2007 29.05.2007 -
119.387.000.- 200.000.000.- - 80.613.000.- 24.05.2010 08.07.2010 -
200.000.000.- 260.000.000.- - 60.000.000.- 24.05.2011 06.07.2011 -
260.000.000.- 286.000.000.- - 26.000.000.- 16.05.2012 15.06.2012 -
286.000.000.- 310.500.000.- - 24.500.000.- 30.04.2013 03.07.2013 -
310.500.000.- 332.000.000.- - 21.500.000.- 25.03.2014 18.06.2014 -
332.000.000.- 355.000.000.- - 23.000.000.- 24.03.2015 12.06.2015 -
355.000.000.- 1.500.000.000.- - 23.03.2023 25.07.2023 -

The registered capital system was adopted at the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held on 18th of January 2010; and the registered capital was set as at the Annual General Meeting held on March 23, 2023. Within this registered capital, the Board of Directors is allowed to increase capital.

150,000 (A) Group shares are owned by Isbank.

Six (6) members of the Board of Directors are selected among the candidates nominated by the majority of (A) Group shareholders. The remaining three (3) candidates are selected among the candidates nominated by (B) Group shareholders.

All of the auditors are selected among the candidates nominated by the majority of (A) Group shareholders.

The listed shares (ticker symbol: "ISMEN") of İş Investment, which went public in May 2007, have been included to the BIST Financial / BIST Star / BIST Dividend / BIST Dividend 25 / BIST Sustainability / BIST 100 / BIST 100-30 / BIST All Shares / BIST Brokerage Houses indices. Besides, ISMEN shares have also been included to the MSCI Global Small Cap/Türkiye index as of November 2020.

The nominal return of ISMEN was 195% in 2022. The nominal return regarding the year 2023 can be reached via publicly listed annual/interim reports and research portal of the website of İş Investment.

The issued capital of the Company is TL 1.500 million within the registered capital ceiling of TL 3.000 million. The capital is divided into 1.500 million shares each of which has TL 1 value. 150.000 shares are (A) Group shares and 1.499.850.000 shares belong to (B) Group

  • (A) Group shares are registered ones and (B) Group shares are bearer ones.
  • During capital increases it is not possible to issue new (A) Group shares; (B) Group shares shall be issued in order to represent the increased capital.
  • There are no voting rights privileges. However, (A) Group shareholders have privileges to designate candidates for the Board of Directors. Six members of the Board are nominated by (A) Group shareholders, while three of them are nominated by (B) Group shareholders.
  • There is no privilege in terms of dividends.

Invitation for AGM is announced via material event statement on Public Disclosure Platform (KAP - and İş Investment's website at least three weeks before the date of the AGM. Registered shareholders are also notified of the date and agenda via posted letter.

Furthermore agenda, power of attorney and information document for shareholders are also presented within frame of the invitation. In addition, list of attendees and minutes following to the meeting are published on the investor relations page of our website as well.

Information policy of İş Investment has been approved by the Board of Directors and disclosed to public. İş Investment makes declarations and gives information about developments, which do not carry any inside information within the frame of the Turkish Commercial Code, applicable regulations and the Capital Market Law in particular and which could affect the investment decisions of investors and the value of our capital market instruments traded at the exchange and while doing so it follows the corporate governance principles.

The main purpose of the information policy is to transmit the necessary information and declarations, which are not within the scope of inside information, to shareholders, investors, employees, customers and other related parties equally, on time, correctly, completely, comprehensible, easy and to the most possible minimum costs.

The Board of Directors takes the followings into consideration,
a) Maintaining a balance between the expectations of the shareholders and the growth policies of İş Investment,
b) The general profitability of the Company, based on these conditions, the Board of Directors has adopted a dividend policy whereby the dividend payment would not be less than 30% of the total distributable profit and would be distributed as cash and/or stock dividend.

İş Investment distributed 77% of its IPO proceeds to the shareholders as cash dividend in five years’ time committed to the dividend policy disclosed in 2007.

SAHA Rating has reconfirmed our national long-term credit rating at AAA as of September 14, 2023 with stable outlook.