XU100 10.891 10.871 0,18
VIOP 11.829 11.800 0,25
USD/TRY 32,9449 32,9827 -0,11
BIST BANKS 15.067 15.004 0,42
DAX 18.418 18.299 0,65
GOLD 2.387,23 2.364,52 0,96
BRENT 80,58 82,37 -2,17


As the pioneering organization of the Turkish capital markets, we consider the quest for a better future as our prior responsibility with the banking discipline which we draw from our founder, İş Bank. We continue to carry out our projects with our understanding of “conscious investment”, in line with our sustainable development goals by attaching importance to the environment and the ecosystem which we live in.

TradeMaster Campus

“We are preparing university students for the capital markets in the light of recent technological developments in line with our goals of decent work and economic growth.”


We combine our know-how and experience built up over a quarter century in the capital markets with universities through the TradeMaster Campus. We encourage the increase of enterprise and job opportunities in the field of economics through methods which both stimulate students’ interest in the capital markets and allow them to efficiently combine theoretical knowledge with practice, by the use of our computer laboratories, educational seminars and panels.

Our TradeMaster Campus project, which was implemented with the participation of three universities in November 2013, has already reached 37 universities. Our goal is to increase this number every year. A total of 1,238 students in 619 teams from 33 universities competed in the 12th TradeMaster Investment League, which was held in November 2019. The 13 th TradeMaster Investment League, the latest competition delayed due to the pandemic, was held in April of this year and 405 teams from 35 different universities competed.


IS Investment and Odunpazarı Modern Museum (OMM)

“Within the framework of our cooperation with OMM, we address the concept of sustainability from the perspective of various disciplines; we involve communities and the cities in which we live in, in our sustainability goals.”


We believe that an interdisciplinary perspective is the primary attribute which brings us success not only in the fields of finance and the economy, but in every aspect of our lives. Setting out with this approach, our seminars entitled “Investing in the Future with Contemporary Art” started in 2020 within the scope of our cooperation with Eskişehir Odunpazarı Modern Museum, which is an important example in creating sustainable urban areas. In our series of seminars, we emphasized how art benefits from a wide range of disciplines such as economics, business administration and law, which we held online due to the pandemic in 2021.

As of September 2021, we broadcast our 6-part podcast series, with the title “Yakın Gelecek (The Near Future)” as a result of our program we created with the tag of #sürdürülebilirdünya, which focuses entirely on sustainable ecosystems. In this project, we sought answers to the questions of “how can we create a better future?” and “why should we do so?” by brainstorming exercises extending from the buildings where we live in and the clothes we wear, to the near future of our species to environmental politics, and aimed to address the concept of sustainability from different perspectives.

Çağdaş Sanat

We screened a series of 8 short films which stood out with their content focusing on a better future, in the “Sustainable Life Film Days” which attracted a high level of participation, again at Eskişehir OMM.

We aimed to draw attention to the cycle of nature in the "Sustainability Workshops”, which we realized with the artists, who consider the future of our planet and create art in this context. We also shared the practical steps which we can take as an individual to achieve more sustainable living.

Our cooperation with Eskişehir OMM continues in 2022 with our seminars under the theme of sustainability in contemporary art.


IS Investment and ecording

“We scatter seed capsules from the air in areas with limited road access and in need of forestation, thanks to the ecoDrone technology.”

We have focused our conscious investment approach on nature and declared that it was time to invest in nature (#doğayayatırım). To mark our 25th anniversary, we scattered 250,000 seed capsules from the air which we realized with ecording, an enterprise that develops innovative environmental technologies to support terrestrial life, within the scope of sustainability projects.

Between 5 and 25 December 2021, we scattered seed capsules of the Eastern Spruce and Wild Pomegranate to the soil from the ecoDrone, an unmanned aerial vehicle, in Artvin - a very challenging area for afforestation activities.


Green Energy Consumption

Within the scope of the "Affordable and Clean Energy" goal, which is among the Sustainable Development Goals, as IS Investment, we continue to increase our I-REC certified green energy consumption day by day in our Head Office and branch organization.

Struggling Climate Change and Its Impacts

Our preference for hybrid cars in our vehicle fleet is one of the important initiatives among our decarbonization-oriented studies. In addition, our institution takes responsibility in line with our awareness of the effects of climate change through disclosure of the Greenhouse Gas Report, which is one of the natural functions of our understanding of "Climate Action".