XU100 9.624 9.700 -0,78
VIOP 10.540 10.622 -0,78
USD/TRY 34,0204 34,0187 0,00
BIST BANKS 13.249 13.483 -1,73
DAX 18.266 18.444 -0,96
GOLD 2.517,54 2.516,63 0,04
BRENT 69,69 69,75 -0,09

 Corporate Social Responsibility

IS Investment has been carrying out TradeMaster Campus project at a number of reputable universities since 2013 in order to advance financial literacy and share fundamental information on the dynamics of the capital markets. Our project, which includes 25 universities, was awarded “Best Social Responsibility project 2018” by the Turkish Capital Markets Association.

Click for detailed information about our project.

In addition, “Investing in the Future with Contemporary Art” activity was organized in Eskişehir Odunpazarı Modern Museum (OMM) during the period and it is planned to make this project the second important project where IS I Investment meets university students together with the TradeMaster Campus by bringing continuity to these activities. This time, the aim is to make the young people studying at the Fine Arts faculties realize the gains of seeing contemporary art as an investment tool.

As presented to the information of the General Assembly dated March 29, 2021 that  a donation of 300,000.00 TL is made to Kızılay (Turkish Red Crescent Association), 99,997.00 TL is made to the Ministry of Health within frame of the struggle campaign against Covid 19 pandemic and 1,800.00 TL is made to Turkish Education Foundation as a representation in 2020.

In addition, Isbank Group, including our company, provided a total of TL 10 million in aid to meet the needs of the hospitals under the General Directorate of Public Hospitals of the Ministry of Health in order to support the fight against the pandemic. The Company's donation policy has been documented in writing.

IS Investment's activities do not contravene any environmental legislation and the Company has not faced any legal sanction in this area.